Monday, October 01, 2007

Smiley Scale

I'm in need of something to post, and as I'm subscribed to emusic and love it, I tend to get in a fair number of albums each month, so why not give my quick and dirty smiley ratings for them? Here's the very simple ratings scale designed to make me not take too long to decide on a rating:
:) = I like it!
:| = It's OK.
:( = Disappointing.
Now on to this episode's ratings!! The rating is followed by the artist and then the album title. No links are provided so this takes me even less time to post. Search for the bands/albums at your favorite music store.
:) Earlimart - Mentor Tormentor

:) Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends
:) Les Savy Fav - Go Forth
:( Les Savy Fav - The Cat and the Cobra

:) And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead - Madonna