Saturday, May 20, 2006

A Bad Thing

I overheard a conversation between Max and Emmett today in which Emmett said he wanted Saturn to crash into the bathtub while they were taking a bath. Max told him that wasn't a good idea because the gas would be bad for them. I missed whatever it was that got them to this point in the conversation.

We've had a slowly dripping faucet and a slow drain in our bathroom sink, so I tried to do something about it. You can't just pull the drain plug out - it will only come out so far. I figured out how get the thing out - it involved removing a nut holding in the lever that raises the drain plug up and down. Then you can pull the lever out of the side of the pipe, and that frees up the plug which you can then pull out. I used a long screwdriver to get a lot of gunk out, and there was a ton of it, so I was feeling pretty good about the whole affair. I put it all back together and... now we had a leak under the sink, and it was still draining slow! The leak wasn't at the nut I'd removed and retightend, rather the leak was from the main pipe going down from the sink, just below where the drain plug lever goes into it. In retrospect I think the connection at that point on the pipe was pretty shoddily done, and in untightening and tightening that drain lever nut, I moved the main pipe back and forth a bit and broke something. At this point I'll cut the story short, and just say that in my attempts to fix this, I ended up with the entire length of pipe going from the bottom of the sink to the wall sitting on the floor, and I'm unable to reattach it to the bottom of the sink. There are no threads on that end of the pipe - it looks like they had tried to attach a small threaded portion to the end of the pipe, and that threaded portion had pretty much disintegrated. Sigh. Is Saturn in the sky tonight?


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